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Apply to Join the Christianity and History Forum
Membership is open to all interested in history who are able to sign a brief declaration of Christian faith (outlined below), whether or not they have a professional connection with the subject or hold a formal qualification in it. Those unable to sign the membership declaration are still welcome to join the mailing list and to participate in our activities, but would not formally be members of CHF.
In becoming a member of the Christianity and History Forum I accept the revelation of the triune God given in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments and confess the historic faith of the Gospel set down within them.
I wish to join the mailing list of the Christianity and History Forum and to participate in its activities.
I agree to the Christianity and History Forum storing the personal information on this form for the purposes of communicating with me regarding the activites of the society.
NAME (please include title Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/Dr/Rev/Prof)
Areas of Special Interest
Thanks for submitting!
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