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Autumn Conference 2023

All Nations Christian College 7-9 September 2023

Provisional Programme

Thursday 7 September

2 pm Arrival and registration

2.30 pm Christian Perspectives on African History David Maxwell (Dixie Professor of Ecclesiastical History, University of Cambridge) in conversation with David Killingray (School of Advanced Study, University of London)

4 pm Tea

4.30-6.30 pm Approaching Christian History: Postgraduate Research Student Workshop Daniel Gilman (University of Cambridge): ‘Do You See This Woman?’ How the Bible Shapes and Sanctifies the Historian's Craft Heather Nicholas (Aberystwyth University) ‘I care not to go and fish in troubled waters’: George Whitefield and Calvinistic Methodism, 1748-70. Lewis Allen (University of Oxford): “Fired with Love Unfeigned”: conviction and intention in the ministry of the Rev. Henry Venn of Huddersfield and Yelling (1725-97) Dongjun Seo (University of Edinburgh): The Search for Interdenominational Co-operation and Unity among Korean Evangelicals, 1945-1997 Short informal presentations from other PhD students

6.30 pm Dinner

7.30 – 9 pm Panel Discussion: Is there a distinctively Christian historiography? John Wolffe (The Open University) Chair, with David Bebbington (University of Stirling), John Coffey (University of Leicester) and Emma Macleod (University of Stirling)

Friday 8 September 8-9 am Breakfast

9am - 1pm (including coffee break) A Christian United Kingdom and Empire? Emma Macleod (University of Stirling): James Wodrow and Eighteenth-Century Scottish Moderatism Andrew Holmes (Queen’s University of Belfast): The Ulster and Scottish origins of the United Kingdom: Presbyterian interpretations in the nineteenth century Stewart Jay Brown (University of Edinburgh) British Evangelicals and the Established Churches in Nineteenth-Century India John Maiden (The Open University): Title to be decided

1 pm Lunch, then free time for walks, relaxation and informal meetings 4.00 pm Tea

4.30-6.30 pm Christian Responses to Racial Injustice John Coffey (University of Leicester): The Demerara Slave Revolt (1823) David Killingray (SAS, University of London): “Black agitator”: Harold Moody and the League of Coloured Peoples

6.30 pm Dinner

7.30-9.30 pm Decolonizing the History of Colonialism Mark Reeves (University of the West of England): Post-Colonial Theory and the Spectre of Christ Terry Barringer (Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide): Colonial Legacies and the 3Rs: Remembrance, Repentance and Reconciliation: a plea for nuance.

Saturday 9 September 8-9 am Breakfast

9am – 12 pm (including coffee break) Christian Renewal Movements Since the Second World War Mark Smith (University of Oxford) and Sarah Smith (Queen’s University of Belfast): New Light on the National Mission (1916) Andrew Atherstone (University of Oxford): Oxford Student Evangelism since the Second World War David Ceri Jones (Aberystwyth University): Writing the History of Evangelicalism in Contemporary Wales, 1990-2023

12 pm Concluding discussion, news, future plans

1 pm Lunch and depart

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